
The Beethoven Expedition

March 26, 2022 7:00 p.m.
Übersee-Museum Bremen

Experience Beethoven and climate science in the unique ambience of the Übersee-Museum (Overseas Museum)

Below the palm trees, in the Japanese Garden and at stations throughout the entire museum you will find chamber music ensembles of the Bremer Philharmoniker as well as scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute. While the scientists give you first-hand accounts of climate and marine research, the musicians will show you the versatility and enduring relevance of Beethoven’s music. Wander between the stations, discover the different ensembles and music, hear the compelling research of the climate scientists, and enjoy an extraordinary evening.

Musicians of the Bremer Philharmoniker
Marko Letonja, conductor
Tickets 12 € / 8 €
All proceeds go to Orchester des Wandels e.V.

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