Green-Box Chamber Music Concert
October 17, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
Staatsoperette Dresden
A chamber music series bringing together music and climate protection.
The Green Box chamber concert of golden October is all about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More precisely, it is about how the SDGs can be made attainable for each of us in everyday life. Sylvia Maus and Martin Gerner from the TU Dresden offer a learning-through-engagement format called praxiSDG, which brings together students with the sustainability needs of organizations. Given specific tasks, students contribute with professional references and scientific experience ideas to help make organizations more sustainable.
We get right to working together on the concert evening! Based on the praxiSDG projects of the Orchestra of the Dresden State Operetta, the audience is invited to bring forward the sustainability issues of their own organizations and to negotiate in an exemplary manner. Combining the skill and knowledge of all participants and complemented with the luscious sounds of jazz, audience members will take a praxiSDG project home with you in the evening. Use this unique opportunity for change of perspective!
Admission free, donations encouraged,
Michael Hauser, guitar and electric bass
Conni Wolf, flute and piano
Chamber music jazz duo