
Climate Workshop #2- For a blooming Duisburg

May 28, 2022 7:30 p.m.

„How can you expect the birds to sing when their groves are cut down?“ -Henry David Thoreau

Music and nature are more closely related than one might initially think. In view of the destroyed nature, the American natural philosopher Thoreau wrote: "My muse may be excused if she is silent henceforth." We musicians of the Duisburger Philharmoniker go about it in a different way: we make music for more climate protection and talk about it, with you, our audience. In selected musical works performed by ensembles of our orchestra members, we trace the connection between art and nature; Climate protection activists from Duisburg present their valuable initiatives in short lectures; And last but not least, we excourage the exchange of ideas with the audience on the question of how a life in harmony with nature can be possible. Creativity and diversity are required, as it is no longer just a question of counteracting climate change. Smart concepts are also being sought to deal with the inevitable global warming.

After we premiered a diverse program last autumn, we are repeating this well received concept and look forward discussing with the audience over a glass of wine. Continuing our successful cooperation with the Naturwerkstatt e.V., we are increasingly dedicated to species protection and bee-friendly planting around the theater in cooperation with 'Duisburg summt' (Duisburg buzzes) and 'Kant's Garten'. Many small, fragrant and blooming oases are soon to bloom, so that means: Clear the stage for birds and insects!

Ensembles of the Duisburg Philharmonic
Works by Schulhoff, Smetana and Schnyder a.o.

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