
Bielefelder Philharmoniker Musicians

We are the Bielefelder Philharmoniker, the municipal theater and concert orchestra in Bielefeld. In addition to opera, operetta, musical, and dance productions at the city theater, we perform symphony concerts in the Rudolf-Oetker-Halle, a popular and sought-after concert hall famous for it's excellent acoustics.

Located next to the Teutoburg Forest, Bielefeld has long been involved in nature conservation measures and sustainable ideas, ranging from numerous environmental protection actions in the area to the promotion of sustainable gardens in the city and the continual expansion of bicycle networks.

Recently, the orchestra joined "Orchester des Wandels" and believe there's more to be done. We see significant potential in the intersection of arts, culture, sustainability, and environmental protection. Working together with our management, we aim to engage our audience, spark interest in environmental issues, and set examples ourselves. Many of us already commute to our workplaces by bicycle, and our audience can conveniently reach the theater and concert hall by tram.

Our initial plans involve smaller formats like chamber music performances and collaborations with Nabu Bielefeld and the Scientific Association for Bielefeld and Surroundings.

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