
What does transition sound like?

March 3, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Foyer of the State Opera Hamburg

"Transformation is a team sport. And an absense of culture is not sustainable either."

Lecture by Jacob Sylvester Bilabel, Head of the Sustainability Action Network in Culture and Media
During the lecture child care is available for children age 4 and up.


Camille Saint-Saëns: „Karneval der Tiere“
Members of the Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg
Narrator: Julian Greis

Admission free, donations welcome for the tree donation campaign in cooperation with the Loki Schmidt Foundation.

The members of the Philharmonic State Orchestra of Hamburg voted in favor of membership in Orchester des Wandels as part of their cultural mission to live in a sustainable society. As part of the "Music and Science" series, they present the famous Carnival of the Animals - in Transition - and thus introduce children and adults to their theme in a musically pictorial way. After the concert there will be an opportunity for exchange with refreshments.



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