
Climate Concert- Recycling Concerto

May 26, 2025 8:00p.m.
Main Hall, Staatstheater Braunschweig


The increasing destruction of the environment and the burden from waste and garbage on the planet is a dominant theme of our time. The composer and conductor Gregor A. Mayrhofer, already well-known in Braunschweig, took this as an opportunity to address the problem musically, composing a concert for recycled percussion and orchestra - the "Recycling Concerto". The concerto is dedicated to the young percussionist Vivi Vassileva.


But what does garbage sound like? Mayrhofer and his team tested and tried only used or discarded items. "Foil, plastics, old glass, scrap metal, materials that burden our planet in residual waste, have been converted into new, quasi-recycled instruments with a very special, individual sound. Old plastic containers and boxes become drums, discarded jam jars and bottle caps become shakers, and used coffee capsules become rustling chimes. But not only rhythm instruments can be made from rubbish. Empty plastic bottles can be tuned using air pressure with a valve in the lid, creating a complete 'deposit bottle marimba' whose fine and singing sound gives melodies and harmonies a completely new character."


Another central idea is to involve individual cities and regions in the musical process by addressing the regional waste problem using individually adapted instruments and materials. More details TBA.


Vivi Vassileva - Schlagwerk
Staatsorchester Braunschweig
Gregor Mayrhofer, Dirigent

The concert will be followed by a reception hosted by the orchestral musician's climate group.

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