
Orchester des Wandels awarded the Culture4Climate Wirkmächtig Prize 2024!

The main goal of the nationwide Culture4Climate initiative is to promote change with a culture of sustainability through cultural institutions and to develop an effective dynamic for the implementation of the global and national climate goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. This initiative is made possible through an innovative pioneering network, the Network for Sustainability in Art and Culture (2N2K), the Institute for Cultural Policy of the Cultural Policy Society (KuPoGe) and the Öko-Institut, bringing together many years of experience in the areas of sustainability, climate protection and culture. The central measures of the Culture4Climate initiative include a sustainability declaration for the cultural sector, a competence and networking portal, training and implementation measures, a national conference and, for the first time in 2024, the announcement of the Wirkmächtig (Efficacious) Prize.

95 applications in the three categories of individual, public cultural institution and private cultural initiative were submitted and the three winners were honored at a ceremony on September 17, 2024 as part of the Culture4Climate conference in Hamburg.

Markus Bruggaier, Detlef Grooß and Katrin Lerchbacher accepted the great award in the “Private Cultural Institution” category in the form of a certificate, trophy and laudation from Ralf Weiß (2N2K) on behalf of the entire board.

The award honors and promotes extraordinary commitment by initiatives from the cultural sector in Germany that have developed and implemented innovative, impact-oriented solutions for climate protection in the cultural sector, demonstrating special climate protection potential, a high degree of creativity and innovation as well as a great impulse and broad impact.

Ralf Weiß in his laudation: “Together with the jury (….) I congratulate Orchester des Wandels on bringing music into climate protection and climate protection into music in a unique and inspiring way, (…) with a lot of conviction, compelling ideas and great social energy in your field, getting things started that (…) impressively show how culture can have a lasting impact in many places.”

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